Friday 28th of October was D-day for the IIPM class to submit their Business Proposal on how each of our businesses can be sustainable, then present as a group. To show how each business collaborated and integrated well with each other.

(Fig.1 IIPM Class 2022)

The Lecturer (Rachel) already divided us into sets of groups with different business themes (Organics, Travel & Tourism & Food Production). Every set to present as a group and individually.

My group of 8 fictional business owners was under organics and we called ourselves the TUXIAOMA Community. Everyone in my group came out and presented nicely. I must give it to my teammates as each person knew their stuff when individually presenting.

My presentation was on my Coffee Beans Farm and packaging company. I called it COFFREE Beans (Get it…. Coffee and Free 😊).

When presenting, I was so nervous standing in front of my lecturers and classmates. It’s not easy trying to speak, smile, interact and make sense all at once. Nerve-racking. But I will not change this experience for anything as it’s made me feel more confident in myself knowing I can actually do this. It was a wow experience, and I must say I am proud of myself.

My classmates also did quite well.  These were some of their first experience with public speaking and i must say i was really impressed.

Good luck to everyone.

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